Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Custom ListView with SearchView on ActionBar/Toolbar & onItemClick listener - Android Studio

DESCRIPTION     This Tutorial will cover: ✔ListView(Image, Title, Description) ✔Filterable ListView ✔SearchView on ActionBar/Toolbar to search ListView items ✔Intent to go to NewActivity onItemClick ✔BackButton in ActionBar of NewActivity      VIDEO   
     SOURCE CODE      Step 1: Create a new projectOROpen your project Step 2: Create New Activity File>New>Activity>EmptyActivity Step 3: Create menu.xml underres>menufolder, tosearchitem. Step 4: Create model.xml inres>layoutfolder,to design row Step 5: Place some images in res>drawable folder Step 5: Code: AndroidMenifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifestxmlns:android=""package="com.blogspot.devofandroid.myapplication"><applicationandroid:allowBackup="true"android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"android:label="@string/app_name"android:roundIcon="@mipmap/ic_launcher_round&…

Android SQLite CRUD and ListView - Android Studio Tutorial

      DESCRIPTION       ✔Enter data(Text, Image) in SQLite
✔Read data(Text, Image) from SQLite in Custom ListView
✔Custom dialog to update record
✔Update data(Text, Image) by onLongClicking the row of ListView
✔Delete data(Text, Image) by onLongClicking the row of ListView
✔Select Image from gallery using Library, crop/rotate image.
Link of image library used:
      SOURCE CODE       Step 1: Create a new projectOROpen your project Step 2: Create New Activity File>New>Activity>EmptyActivity Step 3: Add following libraries in build.gradle(Module:app)  implementation ''
/*cardview library for our row.xml*/implementation ''/*image choosing/cropping library*/implementation 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.6.+'
Step 4: Code AndroidManifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m…

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 ..Mainfest.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?> < manifest xmlns: android ="http://schemas.andr...