Friday, October 18, 2019


Creating Database

  • We need to following database table.
database table
  • So first you create a new database in your PhpMyAdmin (localhost/phpmyadmin).
  • Inside the database we create the above shown table. And for this you can use the following query.
  • When you will execute the above given query in your database you will get the following table.
database structure
Database Table
  • Now we have our database table where we will store the user data. Now lets create a PHP Project for our Web Services.

Creating a new PHP Project

  • Go to the htdocs folder, and create a new folder there. (This folder is actually our project). You can use an IDE like PHP Storm to create a new project but remember create it inside htdocs only (c:/xampp/htdocs). Here I am using Sublime Text.
  • Now the first step is the database connection.

Connecting to the Database

  • So inside your project folder create a new php file named DbConnect.php. We will use this file to connect to the database. So write the following code inside.
  • To confirm that the above script is working, you should open it in your browser (localhost/YourProjectFolder/DbConnect.php). If you are seeing nothing in the browser that means it is working fine.

Building Web Services

  • Now here comes the main part. For the current application we need Web Services for two operation, the first one is User Registration and the second one is User Login.
  • So for this create a new php file named Api.php. Inside this file we will handle all the API calls. Currently we have only two the User Registration and User Login.
  • So write the following code inside Api.php.

Parameter Validations

  • We also need to validate that the required parameters are available or not. For this at the bottom in the same file (Api.php), create the following function.

User Registration

  • Now lets complete the user registration. So inside switch where we need to perform the registration write the following code.
  • Now you can test the registration using a REST Client (I am here using POSTMAN).
user registration
  • You see the user registration is working fine. Now lets create the User Login API.

User Login

  • After registration user will login to the application. So again inside switch where we need to define the login write the following code.
  • Now you can test the login part as well.
login api

The Complete Api Code

  • This is the complete code of my Api.php file.
  • So we are finished creating with APIs. Now lets move to android side. But before moving ahead if you need you can download my API code.

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